Wednesday, October 3, 2007

Thing 23

Whew, what an experience.
Just creating a blog was exciting.

1. There were so many. Flickr, Avatar, Rollyo to name a few.

2. I never would have thought I would be blogging one day. I'm not afraid of technology. I was keypunching in 1964 and wiring machines to print those cards so I go wwwaaaayyy back. I think it is always good to learn something new, if you have the interest.

3. I can use this for my genealogy. It would be a fun project.

4. Some of the instructions were not clear enough and I couldn't follow them.

5. Yes. Anything that can help us keep up with technology would be a good thing. I'm afraid that when I'm eighty I won't be able to turn on my TV.

6. You can teach an old dog new tricks. Especially when there's a treat involved which is helping others learn, enjoying a fun project and perhaps using it both at home and at work.

Thing 22

I watched the tutorial for Overdrive but, since we can't download anything at work this is something I will try at home. Project Gurttenberg was interested but.. clicking on an authors first inital should be a first step and then the name should be broken down further. Your author would be easier to find.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Thing 21

I did a search for gardening in and found that I like looking at pictures not just hearing someone talk. It reminded me of when I was a kid and you listened to stories on the radio...The Shadow Knows!

I then looked at and searched for genealogy. There were a lot of hits but many you had to download.

At Merlin I found Westerville Public Library Pod and loved Tumblebooks. I added that RSS to my bloglines account. I think my granddaughter will love this podcast. This only went to grade 4. I would like to see something for older kids that may have trouble reading. It would be a great help since it highlights the sentence as it's being read. This is something we could do at BCPL.

Thing 20

OK. I found a video that reflects my German heritage. It makes me want to dust off my Dirndl and start dancing. However...the instructions for placing a video on my blog where not clear enough for me. I couldn't follow the directions. I will be asking for help again from my coworker. So stay tuned for some German music.
I think we could do some fun and informational videos about the staff and services at the library. I saw one while searching for something work related but I can't remember where it was now. I'll see if I can find it.

Thing 19

This was interesting. I checked out cocktail builder for my husband of course, and I think he'll really like it.

Thing 18

I like this concept. I'm going to try this again at home. I added a test statement but I can see where I can use this for my genealogy hobby.

Thing 17

This was confusing until I had help from a coworker. I added my blog to the page after a little guidance.

Thing 16

I looked at SJCPL and searched on genealogy which lead me to the Allen County Public Library and I hope to check this out again later. I also liked Book Lovers Wiki where you can read multiple reviews and maybe find something you don't normally read. We have a very nice homepage for the library and perhaps we could have wikis as an extension of the different resources available.

Thing 15

I found Away from Icebergs interesting since I am on a team that is rethinking the way we can better serve our customers and better utilize the space we have. Also, what will the future bring and how do we prepare for it?

Thing 14

I did a search on genealogy and came up with almost 30,000 hits. I find it strange some of the favorites...I'm so out of touch. Top searches was interesting...apparently I'm not one that cares about most of these things much less understand what the title is talking about. I am familiar with Desperate Housewives.

Thing 13

I registered with and will go home to add from my favorites list. Click here to see the two that I could remember.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Thing 12

Rollyo was easy and I was able to move it to the top of my blog by myself.

Thing 11

This was fun. I like listing the books I've read or just keep a list of books I would like to read.

Thing 10

Here I am at Octoberfest (somewhere).

Yahoo! Avatars U.K. & Ireland

Thing 9

The system was very slow. I couldn't get into MEEZ, Merlin registration took too long also. I'll come back to this another time...moving forward to #10.

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Thing 8

I like the idea of no advertising and I wish I had more time to really play with this. I am enjoying all this.

Thing #7

I like digital cameras because the pictures are dated, I can delete the bad ones, I can store them on the computer, make CD's, use the memory card to make prints myself and they just seem better than cameras use to be.

Thursday, July 26, 2007

Week 3, Thing 6

Hannover, Germany, originally uploaded by morticia2.

Whew. What a test of ........


HANNOVER WM SCHWEIZ SUEDKOREA, originally uploaded by rieggi.

The flag of Germany.

Monday, June 18, 2007

Thing 3 - 5

After much back and forth looking for a url, Hell's Librarian and I realized we only had to click on the picture to resize it in the edit posts screen. I am now looking to download some personal pictures to add to my blog. I want to use this in the real world. Now I'm going to Thing 6.

Saturday, June 16, 2007

Thing 3 - 5

I'm up to Thing 5 and have not posted for awhile sooooo I had to refresh my memory as to posting. I like these and am glad we are getting an opportunity to learn this. Exploring Flickr was great but the picture I posted is a little large so I will try to shrink it some. Moving on to Thing 6.


Genealogy, originally uploaded by snapify.

These items make your family come alive!

Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Thing 2: Pointers from Lifelong Learners

Looking back on my life and career, I used the 7 1/2 points and didn't realize it.

Thing 1: About this program

I like it! I'm not up on blogs so this is a great opportunity to not only learn but create.

Learning habits - easiest and hardest

Easiest - Habit 1: Begin with the end in mind

Genealogy is one of my hobbies and the beginning is always yourself whereas the end is up to you.

Hardest - Habit 3: View Problems as Challenges

Genealogy always has a roadblock or two or three or ......which always presents its own set of challenges. I find these challenges to be one of the many rewards of genealogy.